This article appeared in The Times of India on 24th DEC 2010 (Fri)
Tree Time
Cut the stump of the tree and set it in water immediately. A fresh-cut tree will absorb several quarts of water right from the start. So it's important to check and refill the water level several times a day for the first week. You can cut down on frequency later. Be sure to place you Christmas tree in a stand that has a large water reservoir and keep it filled.
Christmas Tree Preservative
You can prolong the life of your Christmas tree by mixing up a concoction of 1 quart water, 1/2 cup light corn syrup, and 1 teaspoon liquid bleach. You can also read information on caring for Christmas trees.
Putting Lights and Decorations on the Tree
When decorating your Christmas tree, put lights on first, then garlands, then the ornaments.
Work From the Inside Out
Start arranging Christmas tree lights on the branches near the base of the tree. Weave strings of lights along the branches "inside," then move to the outer edges of the branches.
Placement of Ornaments
Don't hang all your ornaments on the tips of the branches. Place ornaments and other decorations 'inside' your tree to add depth and interest. Start by arranging the "filler ornaments" evenly spaced around the tree. This would include basic solid colour balls that are easily found at discount stores in a wide range of colours to coordinate and enhance your decorating scheme. You'll need about 20 "filler ornaments" for every 2 feet of the Christmas tree.
Special Themed, Collectible Ornaments
Mix one-of-a-kind special ornaments between the basic ornaments. Plan to use at least 10 special themed ornaments for every 2 feet of your tree. As your collection grows, put the special ornaments closer together.