Chicago honour for Swami
This opinion is purely personal. Thank you.
The present generation may not know that Swami Vivekananda visited Hyderabad city on February 13, 1893 before leaving for Chicago to address the parliament of religions on 11 September 1893. The fact of Vivekananda’s stay in Hyderabad city of Nizam’s dominion and his various engagements is not familiar to many. In the Nizam’s monarchical Govt a number of brilliant Hindus fromBengal were employed in important posts. One among them was Babu Madhusudhan Chattteree. He was the MINT MASTER of Nizam’s mint for Osmania sicca. Nizam state had its own currency both in coins and notes of Rs one to100/-The Osmania sicca bore the figure of the Nizam. The value of Osmania currency used to be Rs 116/-equal to Rs100/- of Indian Govt currency. This Bengali Mint master Chatterjee was a learned man and was close to Nizam. At his instance, Swamiji visited Hyderabad and stayed with him. When Swamiji arrived Hyderabad on February 10, 1893, by train, about 500 prominent people at the Railway station drawn from all communities, and all strata of society, including powerful Nobles, Nawabs, received him. Nawab Sikandar Jung a prominent noble profusely garlanded him. Next day the people of Secunderabad greeted Swamiji with floral and fruit offering, the city bore a festive look. Swamiji addressed a public meeting at famous Mehaboob College. In his eloquent speech, he not only spoke on Hinduism but also Islam, and Christianity giving an excellent exposition of their tenets. Maharaja Sir Kishan Prasad then Prime Minister of Nizam followed by a large number of Muslim Nawabs offerd to meet all his travel expenses for his historic trip to USA but Swamiji politely declined. Swamiji greatly appreciated the generous offer of Muslim gentry. Swami Vivekananda visited Mecca Masjid, Charminar, falaknuma palace, historic Golconda fort, Salarjung palace, and the tomb of Baba Sharfuddin and Hindu temples. All sections of society gave him rousing reception at all these places, a unique event in the history of Nizam state ruled by a Muslim monarch. Swamiji’s visit to Hyderabad and addressing public meeting assumed significant importance in as much as he was appearing for the first time at a public platform when his oratorical powers came to the fore. His superb command of the English language and mastery grasp of the subject brought standing applause from people of all religions. Next day Swami Vivekananda left for Madras leaving a great impression on the people who saw him, met him, and heard him. This visit to Hyderabad has gone deep in to the annals of History of India being first public meeting by Swamiji.
English can be used as a language in any part of the world. This is because at least a few people in each locality would know the language. Though these people might not have the same accent as others, the language at least will be understandable. There are various reasons for the importance of English language. They are listed below.
1. When a person travels to another part of the world either for the sake of business or even as a tourist, the languages may differ. In these conditions, English is the language that helps people to deal with the situation. It is like a universal language.
2. In our country English is important for a number of reasons. India is a land of diversity. Different people speak different languages. A person of Tamil Nadu does not speak Hindi. So he can't understand Hindi of a person from North India. However he can understand in English. So English is a link language. Different people can communicate with one another with the help of English. Secondly, all advanced knowledge in science, technology and medicine is available in English. The results of the latest researches come to India through the medium of English. If we give up English, we will lag behind in the higher fields of study. Today the world has become one family.
3. The presence of English as a universal language assumes importance in the fact that more and more people leave their countries not only for the sake of business and pleasure, but also for studying. Education has increased the role of English. People who go to another country to study can only have English as their medium of study. This is because the individual will not be able to learn a subject in the local language of the country. This again reinforces the fact that English language is very important.
4. All correspondences between offices in different countries and also between political leaders of various countries is in English. This linking factor also tells of the importance of English language.
5. In spite of the growth of Internet in various languages, English is the mainstay of the Internet users. This is the language in which most of the information and websites are available. It is very difficult to translate each and every relevant webpage into the language of various countries. With Internet becoming very important in E commerce and also in education, English language is bound to grow. Thus the importance of English as a language is emphasized.